Bruno Curassier

Domaine de la Grange, Le Reinet 2019

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Dark ruby colour with glints of blue. Scents of fresh black and redcurrants and ripe prunes and red cherries. Fully developed structure. Silky with a lightly spiced final. Vegan wine: using tangential filtration. Only Celerier's Cellar sells this wine in the USA. 

Certified HVE. Guyot Poussard pruning (1 baguette, 7 eyes, 1 courson 2 eyes), vine shoot chipped into natural fertilizer, mechanical plowing (end of April), tying up on stake (May-June), sexual confusion to prevent parasite on vines, non systematic organic intervention for preventing disease (organic Bordeaux mixture bordelaise), debudding by hand to control yield and concentrate nutriments in fewer buds (May), Tying up again (may-june), another debudding and trimming, leaves removal (2 last week of June) right after the begining of fruits apparation (fruits are more resilient to sun burn this way, it bring also better aeration to keep them dry and prevent rot and better tannin concentration in reds). Meanwhile, the whole time, Bruno and his team spend a lot of time to plow the soil so there is no weed while fruit maturing. Harvest are both done mechanicly and by hand. After removal of the leave, green harvest (early July) and regular harvest are also done by hand. Recently, because of global warming, Bruno applies negativz harvest by removing by hand before the harvest all grappes that are over heat and would bring unbalance to his wines.
destemmed, cold maceration pre fermentation at 5-8ôC, tannins extraction via pump over and rack and return before Alcoholic fermentation. It prevents tannins to disolve. Must are divided between terroirs and grape varietals. When alcoholic fermentation starts at cold temperature, pump over are reduce to only once a day on small quantity of the must. Intervention are adapted. Adapted intervention. Alcoholic fermetnation are maintained between 22-24ôC. The last 1/3 period, Bruno let the Alcoholic fermentation risen up to 30ôC to get more concentration and stop the temperature control for the last 72 hours. Malolatic done almost at the same time between cuvee by transfert of lees. It helps maturation to go at a similar pace. Reinet mature in tanks for 6 to 8 month and is usually bottled in March-April (6-8 month). Tangential filtration (vegan) prevents contamination by Brets and clarify before bottling.
1,100 cases
Loire Valley
Winter 2019 was mild, not cold. Spring started the season very poorly: it brought frost that, luckily, did not affect the parcel of Gamay. It was followed later on, at the end of May, by another wave. Bruno's plots were, once again, saved from this calamity. Fortunately, Summer was gorgeous and set up the perfect conditions for pick maturity without intervention: a perfect and easy vintage that showcase the best potential of Bruno's wine.
Touraine, Loire Valley, France
Le Reinet parcel is located on the Cher's river left bank, in Blôrô village. Silty limestone and clay with a good water retention.

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